Introduces Unitarian Universalist prayers and readings, including the seven Principles and six Sources, chalice lightings, and more.

Being reprinted - available for backorder.

Product Code: 6033
ISBN: 9781558965447
Format: Paperback
Publisher: UUA
Published Date: 11/07/2008
Availability: Not currently available.
(Backorder policy)
Price: $7.00

Features common Unitarian Universalist prayers and readings, including the seven Principles and six Sources, chalice lightings, quotations from UUs of yesterday and today, and a glossary. Plus introductions to UU history, religious education, and social justice.

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What Do Unitarian Universalists Believe?

The Seven Principles

The Six Sources

All Are Welcome

Congregational Covenant

Chalice Lightings

Worship Readings

Spirit of Life

We Gather Together

Religious Education

Social Justice

The Story of Unitarian Universalism

Quotable Quotes



Praise for Welcome: A Unitarian Universalist Primer:

"A thoughtful and spirit-filled introduction to our liberating and nourishing faith."

—Rob M. Hardies, senior minister, All Souls Church, Unitarian, Washington, DC

“This Primer is precisely what a newcomer needs: a brief, lucid history; commonly used readings and prayers; and inspirational quotations that indicate something of our theological diversity and devotion to justice.”

—Marilyn Sewell, senior minister, First Unitarian Church, Portland, Oregon

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