In this fully-illustrated introduction to Unitarian Universalism, the simple text and lively full-color art combine to offer youngsters useful and accessible answers to questions like Who Are We?, What Do We Believe? and Do We Pray?
View sample illustrations:
Table of Contents
Seven Principles
Lighting the Chalice
"This appealing children's book introduces Unitarian Universalism with welcoming and child-friendly words and pictures--an excellent resource!"
—Janeen Grohsmeyer, author of A Lamp in Every Corner.
"This delightful book gives UU children words and concepts to understand our faith and explain it to others."
—Ann Barker, DRE, UU Fellowship of Appleton, Wisconsin.
Author: Pamela Baxter
Price: $5.00
Author: Jeanne Harrison Nieuwejaar
Price: $12.00
Author: Lynn Tuttle Gunney Illustrated By: Jane Conteh-Morgan