What if you discovered that the whole concept of a gender binary is an illusion?

Product Code: 9435
ISBN: 9781728414546
Format: Paperback / softback
Publisher: Zest
Pages: 312
Published Date: 08/06/2024
Availability:In stock
Price: $19.99

While many people identify as men or women, that is not all there is. The idea that all humans fall into one of two gender categories is largely a construct created by those who benefit from that belief. The reality is that gender is naturally diverse, falling inside and outside of those boxes, and more expansive ideas of gender have always existed.

In the second book of the Queer History Project, The Gender Binary Is a Big Lie: Infinite Identities around the World, author Lee Wind uses historical evidence and primary sources—poetry, ancient burial sites, firsthand accounts, and news stories—to explore gender roles and identities. Gender identities and physical bodies are as diverse as the human experience. Get ready to shatter those preconceived notions of nothing but a gender binary and dive deep into expressions of gender—both past and present—that reveal the infinite variety and beauty of everyone’s gender.

For Ages 11-17

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How Many Colors Are In A Rainbow
On Labels and Gender
Good Stuff To Know

Chapter 1
Profile: Castrati

Chapter 2
The Six Genders of Classical Judaism
Profile: Brotherboys and Sistergirls

Chapter 3
Profile: Zishu Nü– Self-Combed Woman

Chapter 4
Profile: Dahomey Female Warriors

Chapter 5
Six More People Who Lives Outside The Gender Binary
Profile: Tidawena and Niborawena of The Warao

The Colonization of Gender
Profile: White Doves

Chapter 7
Intersex Activism

History, Herstory, Theirstory, Ourstory

Author’s Note
Source Notes
Recommended Resources

"This book is a must-read for anyone interested in gender & the history of gender diversity around the world. As a Brit intersex, non-binary & transmasc creativity & mental health coach in Hollywood, I feel seen and happy to know more of our contributions to humanity?lots to be proud about!" ?Seven Graham, Producer, Writer, Actor

"An accessible, thorough, curiosity-provoking introduction to gender."?starred, Kirkus Reviews

"Wind's accessible and informative deep dive into the history (and the now) of gender around the world will open eyes and minds."?Rob Bittner, LGBTQ+ Literature Advocate and Educator

"Lee Wind uses an easy-to-understand, engaging voice to teach young readers the important truth that there have always been more than two genders. While also developing the reader's skills for thoughtful historical analysis on any subject, Wind shares well-researched, fascinating stories and concepts for any well-rounded education. The Gender Binary Is a Big Lie belongs in every classroom, library, and bookshelf."?Sarah Prager, author of Queer, There, and Everywhere, Rainbow Revolutionaries, and A Child's Introduction to Pride

"This book will save lives. By normalizing the existence of gender diversity through time and space, by sharing a beautiful array of stories, by interrogating the tyranny of the gender binary in such a gentle yet forceful way, Lee Wind offers inspiration and encouragement at a time when it is most needed." ?Dreya Blume, Psychotherapist and Author

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