Compassionate guide for adults and children to read together.
Product Code: 4229
ISBN: 9780807023617
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Beacon
Pages: 118
Published Date: 10/01/1993
Availability: Not currently available.
(Backorder policy)
Price: $24.00
Third Edition: Why do people die? How do you explain the loss of a loved one to a child? Compassionate guide for adults and children to read together, featuring a read-along story, answers to childrens' questions about death and a comprehensive list of resources and organizations that can help.
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Children’s Read-Along
Parents’ Guide to Explaining Death

Explaining the Concept of Death
Understanding Your Children’s Emotions
What Happens to the Person Who Died?
How Children React to Specific Kinds of Death
Thoughts on Seeking Professional Help
Afterword: Coping with Adult Grief

Reaching Out for Further Help
Additional Reading, Listening, and Viewing
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