This heartwarming story by Marcie Rendon (Ojibwe), with stunning illustrations by Joshua Mangeshig Pawis-Steckley (Ojibwe), celebrates the power of Indigenous craft and community and weaves together the spirit of resilience, female empowerment, and gratitude for the generations that came before us.
“Noozhishenh, bimadiziwin,” Nookomis says. “My granddaughter, live a good life.”
An Ojibwe grandmother carefully measures and selects just the right colors of fabric, and her sewing machine hums whirr, whirr, whirr late into the night.
Ages 4 to 8.
Illustrated by: Michaela Goade Author: Traci Sorell
Price: $18.99
Author: Aida Salazar Illustrated by: Caribay M. Benavides
Price: $8.99
Author: Brittany Luby Illustrated by: Natasha Donovan