(from the Introduction)
For over two hundred years Unitarians, Universalists, and Unitarian Universalists have been dancing with the Holy. At times, it seems as if our rational minds take the lead, moving us gracefully around the floor to the finely metered rhythms of a Bach gavotte. At other times, mystery and wonder lead the dance, where the steps are being revealed to us even as we dance them. Throughout history, we have moved to the rhythms of mystery and wonder, prophecy, wisdom, teachings from ancient and modern sources, and nature herself. These themes comprise the Sources from which we draw strength and support.
Think of the readings in this book as part of the musical score that undergirds Unitarian Universalism. This collection, I hope, represents the aspirations of the six Sources of Unitarian Universalism-the second half of the Purposes and Principles document.
Ours will always be a "living tradition," reflecting the ever-flowing stream of human thought and spirituality. The Sources outline the diversity of religious experience that forms the basis of Unitarian Universalist faith. Our tradition is held together by our profound respect and love for these teachings and inspirations. The Sources are the ideas and deeds that reflect human experience, but they also point to that which lies beyond human understanding. They remind us that first and foremost, Unitarian Universalism is a religion rooted in the experience of the holy. They serve as a guide in determining what is valid, deep, and meaningful about living.
I hope that the readings offered here will provide a refreshing insight into each of the Sources, and show why they are so vital to renewing this tradition from generation to generation…. I invite you to use these quotations as part of a…daily spiritual discipline. I hope the collection will also be valuable for anyone wishing to deepen their appreciation of the Sources through focused or occasional reading of the texts, either personally or in worship….
In the end, we cannot speak or write about the Sources without acknowledging the One Source that runs underneath them all-love. As our living tradition continues to unfold, opening us to new revelations of truth, love will guide us. And so we continue our dance with the Holy, our partner and Great Mystery, in our ongoing journey toward connection.