In these religious supplements, participants reflect on how their religious values connect with what they are learning in the classroom and experiencing outside the classroom. Both supplements stress the development of religious community, spiritual depth, prophetic vision and action for justice. Each helps youth clarify their own religious beliefs.


Our Whole Lives

Product Code: 1113
ISBN: 9781558963979
Format: Paperback
Publisher: UUA
Pages: 224
Size: 11 x 8.5
Published Date: 05/01/2000
Availability:In stock
Price: $20.00

In these religious supplements, participants reflect on how their religious values connect with what they are learning in the classroom and experiencing outside the classroom. Both supplements stress the development of religious community, spiritual depth, prophetic vision and action for justice. Each helps youth clarify their own religious beliefs.

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Supporting Sexuality Education in Your Congregation

Unitarian Universalist Religious Supplement to Our Whole Lives. Sexuality Education for Grades 10-12

Introduction to the Unitarian Universalist Companion Parent Orientation Parent Permission Form Video Script Opening Session

SESSION ONE: Sexual health: Learning About Our Bodies Workshop 1: Language Workshop 2: Body Image and Feelings Workshop 3: Anatomy and Physiology

SESSION TWO Sexual Health: Taking Care of Our Sexual Selves Workshop 4: Sexual Response Cycle and Sexual Functioning Workshop 5: Reproductive and Sexual Health Care Workshop 6: AIDS and Other STDs

SESSION THREE Sexual Health: Making Safer Choices Workshop 8: Condoms and Negotiating for Safer Sex Workshop 10: Sexual Health Closure

SESSION FOUR Lifespan Sexuality: Exploring Our Sexual Development Workshop 11: Gender Roles Workshop 12: Identity, Roles, and Orientation Workshop 13: Sexual Orientation

SESSION FIVE Lifespan Sexuality: Becoming a Parent Workshop 15: Parenting License Workshop 16: Parenting Alternatives

SESSION SIX Lifespan Sexuality: Expressions of Sexuality Throughout Life Workshop 17: Sexuality Timeline Workshop 18: Sexuality and People with Disabilities Workshop 19: Sexual Expressions and Relationships

SESSION SEVEN Building Healthy Sexual Relationships: Communication Workshop 21: Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication Workshop 22: What Makes a Good Relationship? Workshop 23: Questions of the Other Gender

SESSION EIGHT Building Healthy Relationships: Intimacy, Masturbation, and Lovemaking Workshop 24: Defining Intimacy Workshop 25: Masturbation Myths and Facts Workshop 26: Sexual Behavior Workshop 27: Images of Love and Sex in Music and Video

SESSION NINE Building Healthy Relationships: Recognizing Unhealthy Relationships Workshop 28: Power and Responsibility Workshop 29: Power in Relationships Workshop 30: Breaking Up and Moving On

SESSION TEN Sexuality and Social Issues: Reproductive Rights Workshop 32: Abortion Workshop 33: New Reproductive Choices

SESSION ELEVEN Sexuality and Social Issues: Power and Control Workshop 34: Sexual Exploitation, Sexual Harassment, Erotica Workshop 35: Date Rape

SESSION TWELVE Sexuality and Social Issues: Sexual Equality Workshop 37: Gay Pride Parade Workshop 38: Gender Equality Workshop 39 Sexuality and Social Issues Closure

United Church of Christ religious Supplement to Our Whole Lives. Sexuality Education for Grades 10-12.

Introduction to the United Church of Christ Companion. Worship Service for the Beginning of the Curriculum.

SESSION ONE: Sexual health: Learning About Our Bodies Workshop 1: Language Workshop 2: Body Image and Feelings Workshop 3: Anatomy and Physiology

SESSION TWO Sexual Health: Taking Care of Our Sexual Selves Workshop 4: Sexual Response Cycle and Sexual Functioning Workshop 5: Reproductive and Sexual Health Care Workshop 6: AIDS and Other STDs

SESSION THREE Sexual Health: Making Safer Choices Workshop 8: Condoms and Negotiating for Safer Sex Workshop 10: Sexual Health Closure

SESSION FOUR Lifespan Sexuality: Exploring Our Sexual Development Workshop 11: Gender Roles Workshop 12: Identity, Roles, and Orientation Workshop 13: Sexual Orientation

SESSION FIVE Lifespan Sexuality Becoming a Parent Workshop 14: Conception, Pregnancy, and Birth. Workshop 15: Parenting License Workshop 16: Parenting Alternatives Lifespan Sexuality: Expressions of Sexuality Throughout Life Workshop 17: Sexuality Timeline Workshop 18: Sexuality and People with Disabilities Workshop 19: Sexual Expressions and Relationships

SESSION SEVEN Building Healthy Sexual Relationships: Communication Workshop 21: Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication Workshop 22: What Makes a Good Relationship? Workshop 23: Questions of the Other Gender

SESSION EIGHT Building Healthy Relationships: Intimacy, Masturbation, and Lovemaking Workshop 24: Defining Intimacy Workshop 25: Masturbation Myths and Facts Workshop 26: Sexual Behavior Workshop 27: Images of Love and Sex in Music and Video

SESSION NINE Building Healthy Relationships: Recognizing Unhealthy Relationships Workshop 28: Power and Responsibility Workshop 29: Power in Relationships Workshop 30: Breaking Up and Moving On

SESSION TEN Sexuality and Social Issues: Reproductive Rights Workshop 32: Abortion Workshop 33: New Reproductive Choices

SESSION ELEVEN Sexuality and Social Issues: Power and Control Workshop 34: Sexual Exploitation, Sexual Harassment, Erotica Workshop 35: Date Rape Workshop 36: Between Consenting Adults

SESSION TWELVE Sexuality and Social Issues: Sexual Equality Workshop 37: Gay Pride Parade Workshop 38: Gender Equality

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