In a divided world where the stories we tell often exclude those who are different, Laura Alary offers us a beautiful legend large enough for all people to see themselves in its words. Here is a delightfully illustrated book with a tale that promises to heal divisions and bring us together.
—Sandy Eisenberg Sasso, author of many award-winning children's books including God's Paintbrush and In God's Name
This amazing book explores the power of stories, how ownership of those stories influence our beliefs - and how those beliefs influence our behavior. It should be an essential part of every religious education library.
—Michelle Richards, author of Tending the Flame: The Art of Unitarian Universalist Parenting
In Mira and the Big Story, Laura Alary has written a lovely book for children and families.
With engaging and expansive text and beautiful pictures, children are encouraged to think about "Big Questions" and "Big Stories," Mira shows us how we might be inclusive and at the same time respectful of our ancient stories.
—Rev. Natalie Fenimore, President of LREDA