How do we give young people the tools they need to actively dismantle racism and create a better world for everyone?
From the author of Me and White Supremacy, Layla Saad's young readers' edition is a timely, crucial, and empowering guide for today's youth on how to be antiracist change makers

Product Code: 8893
ISBN: 9781728261287
Format: Paperback / softback
Publisher: Sourcebooks
Pages: 304
Published Date: 02/01/2022
Availability: Not currently available.
(Backorder policy)
Price: $8.99

Me and White Supremacy has reached so many adults in their journeys to become better ancestors.

This edition aims to teach readers how to explore and understand racism and white supremacy and how young readers can do their part to help change the world.

Covering topics such as white privilege, white fragility, racist stereotypes, cultural appropriation, and more, Layla Saad has developed a brilliant introduction and deep dive that is sure to become a standard in antiracist education.

Layla Saad meticulously updated the content for young readers to include:

- definitions and history of various topics covered
- sections to help readers process complex topics
- no time limit - unlike the adult edition, this is not a 28-day challenge so readers can use this content for however long it takes to do the work
- content is approachable and applicable for those with and without white privilege

Ages 10 to 16

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Welcome Letter From The Author

Part I: Introduction
Chapter 1: How to Use This Book
Chapter 2: A Little About Me!
Chapter 3: A Little About You!
Chapter 4: What Is White Supremacy?

Part II: Exploring White Supremacy
Chapter 5: White Privilege
Chapter 6: White Fragility
Chapter 7: Tone Policing
Chapter 8: White Silence
Chapter 9: White Superiority
Chapter 10: White Exceptionalism
Chapter 11: Check-In
Chapter 12: Color Blindness
Chapter 13: Anti-Blackness
Chapter 14: Racist Stereotypes
Chapter 15: Cultural Appropriation
Chapter 16: White Feminism
Chapter 17: Allyship
Chapter 18: Holding Ourselves and Others Accountable

Part III: Practicing Antiracism
Chapter 19: Your Antiracist Values and Commitments
Closing Letter From The Author

Reading List

About The Author
"Extremely valuable... Enormously Beneficial... Educators will treasure this extraordinary tool and will recognize that this book can and will transform lives. Highly Recommended." - School Library Connection
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