Foreword by Carl Scovel
A Bible-Thumping, Trinitarian, Charismatic, Born-Again Jesus Freak by Rachel Nguyen
Walking the Walk by Anita Farber-Robertson
God Is Not Through With Me Yet by Terry Mark Burke
A Pathway Home by Robert Fabre
The Pilgrimage of a UU Catholic by Peter A. Huff
Learning to Love the Questions by Cricket Potter
Pain, Psalm, Prayer, and a Promise by Ron Robinson
A 3-D Jesus by Kathleen Rolenz
A Mad Mix of Dedicated People by John Simcox
The Advocate by Carol Stamatakis
Why I Left Unitarian Universalism by Kay Achar
An Old Friend by Erik Walker Wikstrom
I Am Convicted by Victoria Weinstein
To Keep One’s Soul by Marjorie Bowens-Wheatley
In God’s House There Are Many Rooms by Scotty McLennan