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Books 25 - 36 of 43

The Flaming Chalice
Author: Susan J. Ritchie
Product Code: 3123
Publisher: UUA
Publication Date: 09/26/2017
Format: Pamphlets

Teaches the important history and meaning of the Flaming Chalice, the symbol of Unitarian Universalism. To read this pamphlet click here. Pack of 25.

Price: $9.00
Ten Great Reasons to Join a UU Community

Product Code: 3129
Publisher: UUA
Publication Date: 12/18/2017
Format: Bookmarks

With ten great reasons to join a UU Community this bookmark is an easy-to-use resource to welcome visitors looking for a spiritual home. Pack of 25 bookmarks.

Price: $8.00
A Faith Home for Elders and Caregivers
Author: Esther Hurlburt
Product Code: 3127
Publisher: UUA
Publication Date: 09/26/2017
Format: Pamphlet

A warm welcome from Unitarian Universalist congregations to elders and caregivers. To read this pamphlet click here. Pack of 25 pamphlets.

Price: $9.00
UU Views of Prayer
Edited by: Erika Hewitt
Product Code: 3036
Publisher: UUA
Publication Date: 11/13/2017
Format: Pamphlet

Unitarian Universalists reflect on prayer, its manifold meanings and practices, and their personal relationships to this sacred way of connecting. To read this pamphlet click here. Pack of 25 pamphlets.

Price: $9.00
UU Views of Jesus
Author: Joy Berry
Product Code: 3040
Publisher: UUA
Publication Date: 11/13/2017
Format: Pamphlets

Six Unitarian Universalists share about their connections with Jesus, demonstrating the variety of views from across the faith.To read this pamphlet click here. Pack of 25 pamphlets.

Price: $9.00
Belief and Belonging

Product Code: 3029
Publisher: UUA
Publication Date: 05/15/2018
Format: Pamphlet

A perfect introduction to our open, inclusive, and creedless community—this pamphlet is a must-have for your pamphlet rack. Pack of 25 pamphlets. To read this pamphlet click here.

Price: $9.00
UU Views of Evil
Author: William F. Schulz
Product Code: 3134
Publication Date: 05/15/2018
Format: Pamphlet

Unitarian Universalists reflect on evil, where it stems from in society and in the individual, and how to challenge its hold. Pack of 25 pamphlets. To read this pamphlet click here.

Price: $9.00
Death and Grieving
Author: Natalie Maxwell Fenimore
Product Code: 3031
Publisher: UUA
Publication Date: 05/15/2018
Format: Pamphlet

A thoughtful resource that addresses Unitarian Universalist beliefs about death and offers support to those looking for a faith community in their time of need. Pack of 25 pamphlets. To read this pamphlet click here.

Price: $9.00
Unitarian Universalism and Sacred Texts
Author: Erica Shadowsong
Product Code: 3610
Publisher: UUA
Publication Date: 04/10/2019
Format: Pamphlet

A helpful introduction to the Unitarian Universalist Principle of “a free and responsible search for truth and meaning” and how Unitarian Universalists connect with the sacred. Pack of 25 pamphlets.To read this pamphlet click here.

Price: $9.00
The Spirituality of Service
Author: Nic Cable
Product Code: 3073
Publisher: UUA
Publication Date: 04/10/2019
Format: Pamphlet

Looking to become more involved in your faith community? With thoughtful questions and wisdom, this pamphlet can help guide the ways you share your gifts and grow in spirit. Pack of 25 pamphlets. To read this pamphlet click here.

Price: $9.00
Values in Our History
Author: Gail Forsyth-Vail
Product Code: 3138
Publisher: UUA
Publication Date: 02/07/2020
Format: Pamphlet

A helpful introduction to some highlights of Unitarian Universalism’s history and the long-held values that make up our faith. Pack of 25 pamphlets.

To read this pamphlet click here.

Price: $9.00
You Are Not Alone - print package
Author: Paul Langston-Daley
Product Code: 3136
Publication Date: 02/07/2020
Format: Pamphlet

It can be lonely holding countercultural values or identities. Unitarian Universalist congregations aspire to be a spiritual home for all. Pack of 25 pamphlets.

To read this pamphlet click here.

Price: $9.00
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