This second edition of Our Whole Lives, K-1 offers new and expansive ways of addressing gender identity and roles, sexual orientation, race, ability, and more for children and their families

This is the secular version of Our Whole Lives for Grades K-1, with no religious content. Unitarian Universalist and United Church of Christ editions are also available. The UU and UCC editions offer all of the content that is in the secular edition, along with supplementary faith-based content. Sexuality and Our Faith will no longer be published as a separate supplement for Our Whole Lives.

Click here to read an FAQ about the new format..

Product Code: 1172
ISBN: 9781558969025
Format: Loose-leaf
Publisher: UUA
Published Date: 02/15/2023
Availability:In stock
Price: $40.00

This is the secular version of Our Whole Lives for Grades K-1, with no religious content. Unitarian Universalist and United Church of Christ editions are also available. The UU and UCC editions offer all of the content that is in the secular edition, along with supplementary faith-based content. Sexuality and Our Faith will no longer be published as a separate supplement for Our Whole Lives.

Click here to read an FAQ about the new format..

This new edition of Our Whole Lives for Grades K-1 is packaged as three-hole-punched loose-leaf pages so that updates can be provided as replacement pages. The package comes with front cover, spine, and back cover inserts for a binder with slip pockets. Correction pages will be published here as needed. The Avery binder #05710 is a good size for holding these pages and can be ordered here. This and other binder brands can be found at most office supply stores.

Our Whole Lives Sexuality Education for Grades K–1, 2nd edition, is an eight-workshop curriculum that helps children ages five through seven begin the lifelong process of acquiring information and forming attitudes and values about identity, relationships, safety and health.

Unlike many other sexuality curricula currently available, this program is comprehensive and progressive. In an inclusive and developmentally appropriate manner, it addresses sensitive topics that are typically excluded. Although the curriculum was developed by the Unitarian Universalist Association and the United Church of Christ, this volume is completely secular and free of specific religious doctrine or reference. However, the underlying values of the program reflect the justice-oriented traditions of both denominations.

Maintaining the OWL values and assumptions established in the first edition, the second edition offers new and expansive ways of addressing gender identity and roles, sexual orientation, race, and ability. New activities, songs, and movement breaks keep young children interested and energized and facilitator tips ensure that all activities are accessible to every child. Sexual abuse prevention is addressed in a trauma-informed manner by placing the responsibility for prevention on adults, not on children. This edition teaches that babies begin with an egg, sperm, uterus, and someone to care for them, with several options for how those combinations may occur. Parents receive support for sharing their own family conception story at home.

This edition also includes all-new illustrations and book recommendations featuring children and families of diverse races, cultures, and orientations. Updated HomeLinks offer a workshop summary, at-home conversation starters and activities, and suggestions that foster future conversations.

UU and UCC versions of OWL K-1, 2nd Edition, are available, with secular and faith content integrated into each volume.

Before using this curriculum, visit or for free, downloadable page updates. These are published on an as-needed basis, so be sure to check for new pages each time you implement the program.

Click here for the schedule of OWL facilitator trainings.

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Program Information Meeting

Parent/Caregiver and Child Orientation

Child Workshop Plan

Workshop 1: Our Wonderful Bodies

Workshop 2: Bodies and Gender

Workshop 3: Body Boundaries

Workshop 4: Families

Workshop 5: How Babies Begin

Workshop 6: Pregnancy and Birth

Workshop 7: Babies

Workshop 8: Celebration

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