Items 25 - 36 of 119

Compassionate Conversations
Authors: Diane Musho Hamilton, Gabriel Menegale Wilson, Kimberly Myosai Loh
Product Code: 8475
Binding Info: Paperback / softback
Publisher: Shambhala
Publication Date: 07/21/2020

The definitive guide to learning effective skills for engaging in open and honest conversations about divisive issues from three professional mediators.

Price: $16.95
Creating Justice Together
Editor: Susan Dana Lawrence
Product Code: 5295
Binding Info: Paperback
Publisher: UUA
Publication Date: 06/20/2014
This book belongs to the Tapestry of Faith Toolkit Series provided by the UUA Faith Development Office. Toolkit Books provide background knowledge, inspiration, and practical guidance to program and lead UU faith development and to help us explore and live our faith in our congregations, neighborhoods, nation, and world.
Price: $15.00
Dignity for Deeply Forgetful People
Author: Stephen G. Post
Product Code: 8895
Binding Info: Paperback / softback
Publisher: Johns Hopkins University Press
Publication Date: 05/31/2022

For caregivers of deeply forgetful people: a book that combines new ethics guidelines with an innovative program on how to communicate and connect with people with Alzheimer's.
With a workshop appendix focused on communication and connection, "A Caregiver Resilience Program," by Rev. Dr. Jade C. Angelica.

Price: $26.95
Divergent Mind
Author: Jenara Nerenberg
Product Code: 8828
Binding Info: Paperback / softback
Publisher: HarperOne
Publication Date: 02/16/2021
A paradigm-shifting study of neurodivergent women - those with ADHD, autism, synesthesia, high sensitivity, and sensory processing disorder—exploring why these traits are overlooked in women and how society benefits from allowing their unique strengths to flourish
Price: $15.99
Evensong for Families
Author: Barbara Hamilton-Holway
Product Code: 1017
Binding Info: Paperback
Publisher: Skinner House Books
Publication Date: 09/18/2006
Suggestions for eight covenant sessions that include discussion topics, music and readings.
Price: $16.00
Expand Social Security Now!
Author: Steven Hill
Product Code: 6482
Binding Info: Paperback
Publisher: Beacon Press
Publication Date: 05/10/2016
Why Social Security is not only sustainable but should be substantially expanded
Price: $15.00
Family Prayers
Editor: Irene Praeger
Product Code: 3045
Binding Info: Pamphlets
Publisher: UUA
Publication Date: 08/18/2015
A collection of 16 eloquent short prayers, graces, and chalice lightings for children and families to use in the home. Includes prayers from a variety of cultures and faith traditions. Pack of 25 pamphlets. To read this pamphlet click here.
Price: $9.00
Fat Talk
Author: Virginia Sole-Smith
Product Code: 9552
Binding Info: Paperback / softback
Publisher: Henry Holt
Publication Date: 01/07/2025

By the time they reach kindergarten, most kids believe that “fat” is bad. By middle school, more than a quarter of them have gone on a diet. What are parents supposed to do?

Price: $19.99
Free to Be
Author: Jack Turban
Product Code: 9401
Binding Info: Hardback
Publisher: Atria
Publication Date: 06/04/2024

An authoritative guide to understanding and navigating gender identity from an acclaimed expert on the mental health of transgender and gender diverse youth.

Price: $29.99
Gay Marriage, Real Life
Author: Michelle Bates Deakin
Product Code: 3969
Binding Info: Paperback
Publisher: Skinner House
Publication Date: 12/01/2005
This intimate account of ten same-sex couples brings to life how the decision to marry has affected them and their extended families
Price: $14.00
Gender Euphoria
Edited by: Laura Kate Dale
Product Code: 8951
Binding Info: Paperback / softback
Publisher: Unbound
Publication Date: 04/19/2022

Seeks to show the world the sheer variety of ways being non cisgender can be a beautiful, joyful experience, featuring essays from 15 trans, non-binary, agender, gender fluid, and intersex authors, as well as several essays from author and trans woman Laura Kate Dale

Price: $15.95
Gender Queer
Author: Maia Kobabe
Product Code: 9257
Binding Info: Paperback / softback
Publisher: Oni Press
Publication Date: 05/28/2019

2020 ALA Alex Award Winner
2020 Stonewall - Israel Fishman Non-fiction Award Honor Book

A useful and touching guide on gender identity - what it means and how to think about it—for advocates, friends, and humans everywhere

Price: $24.99
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