Beacon Press

Beacon Press books seek to change the way readers think about fundamental issues, promoting such values as freedom of speech and thought, the importance of economic and social justice issues, religious pluralism, respect for our environment, and the importance of the arts in a civil society.Beacon has published several national bestsellers, and its books are frequently reviewed and discussed in national print and broadcast media.They are also used in university and secondary school curricula, citywide reading programs, and reading groups, and within a variety of organizational and faith - based reading programs.

Items 61 - 72 of 354

Author: C. Pierce Salguero
Product Code: 8919
Binding Info: Paperback / softback
Publisher: Beacon Press
Publication Date: 03/08/2022

An engaging, accessible introduction to Buddhism for those who are looking to explore a new spiritual tradition or understand the roots of their mindfulness practice.

Price: $16.95
Can We Talk about Race?
Author: Beverly Daniel Tatum
Product Code: 4050
Binding Info: Paperback
Publisher: Beacon Press
Publication Date: 04/01/2008
Reflections on race and schools - by the best-selling author of Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria?
A Simmons College/Beacon Press Race, Education, and Democracy Series Book

Price: $16.00
Central America's Forgotten History
Author: Aviva Chomsky
Product Code: 8938
Binding Info: Paperback / softback
Publisher: Beacon Press
Publication Date: 05/10/2022

Restores the region’s fraught history of repression and resistance to popular consciousness and connects the United States’ interventions and influence to the influx of refugees seeking asylum today

Price: $15.95
Chokepoint Capitalism
Authors: Rebecca Giblin, Cory Doctorow
Product Code: 9311
Binding Info: Paperback / softback
Publisher: Beacon Press
Publication Date: 09/19/2023

A call to action for the creative class and labor movement to rally against the power of Big Tech and Big Media

Price: $19.00
Christians Against Christianity
Author: Obery M. Hendricks, Jr.
Product Code: 3160
Binding Info: Paperback / softback
Publisher: Beacon Press
Publication Date: 07/26/2022

A timely and galvanizing work that examines how right-wing evangelical Christians have veered from an admirable faith to a pernicious, destructive ideology

Price: $16.95
City of Refugees
Author: Susan Hartman
Product Code: 3218
Binding Info: Paperback / softback
Publisher: Beacon Press
Publication Date: 05/09/2023

This intimate portrait of newcomers revitalizing a fading industrial town illuminates the larger canvas of refugee life in 21st century America

Price: $16.95
Climate Courage
Author: Andreas Karelas
Product Code: 8391
Binding Info: Paperback / softback
Publisher: Beacon Press
Publication Date: 09/29/2020
More Americans care about climate change than we think—but in order to unite around solutions, we need a bold, courageous new narrative about creating a sustainable world focused on a brighter tomorrow.
Price: $17.00
Code of Silence
Author: Lise Olsen
Product Code: 3163
Binding Info: Paperback / softback
Publisher: Beacon Press
Publication Date: 08/09/2022

In the age of #MeToo, learn how brave whistleblowers have dared to lift the federal court’s veil of secrecy to expose powerful judges who appear to defy laws they have sworn to uphold.

Price: $17.95
Collected Poems
Author: Sonia Sanchez
Product Code: 8941
Binding Info: Paperback / softback
Publisher: Beacon Press
Publication Date: 03/22/2022

A representative collection of the life work of the much-honored poet and a founder of the Black Arts movement, spanning the 4 decades of her literary career

Price: $17.95
Common Grace
Author: Aaron Caycedo-Kimura
Product Code: 3181
Binding Info: Hardback
Publisher: Beacon Press
Publication Date: 10/04/2022

The first major poetry collection from an award-winning student of Robert Pinsky, exploring the inherited trauma within his Japanese American family, his life as an artist, and his bond with his wife

Price: $16.00
Author: John A. Buehrens
Product Code: 8394
Binding Info: Paperback / softback
Publisher: Beacon Press
Publication Date: 10/27/2020

A dramatic retelling of the story of the Transcendentalists, revealing them not as isolated authors but as a community of social activists who shaped progressive American values

Price: $20.00
Considering Hate
Authors: Michael Bronski, Kay Whitlock
Product Code: 6450
Binding Info: Paperback
Publisher: Beacon Press
Publication Date: 01/19/2016
A provocative book about rethinking hatred and violence in America
Price: $20.00
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