Beacon Press

Beacon Press books seek to change the way readers think about fundamental issues, promoting such values as freedom of speech and thought, the importance of economic and social justice issues, religious pluralism, respect for our environment, and the importance of the arts in a civil society.Beacon has published several national bestsellers, and its books are frequently reviewed and discussed in national print and broadcast media.They are also used in university and secondary school curricula, citywide reading programs, and reading groups, and within a variety of organizational and faith - based reading programs.

Items 301 - 312 of 347

To Be a Problem
Author: Dara Baldwin   Foreword by: Keith P. Jones
Product Code: 9405
Binding Info: Hardback
Publisher: Beacon Press
Publication Date: 07/09/2024

A searing critique of the disability rights movement from within, and a call for collective liberation that is pro-Black and centers disabled people of color

Price: $24.95
Touched Out (p)
Author: Amanda Montei
Product Code: 9420
Binding Info: Paperback / softback
Publisher: Beacon Press
Publication Date: 09/24/2024

In this stunning blend of memoir, theory, and cultural criticism, a new mother examines the intersection between misogyny and motherhood, considering how caregivers can take back their bodies and pass on a language of consent to their children

Price: $17.95
Author: Leah Garcés
Product Code: 9419
Binding Info: Hardback
Publisher: Beacon Press
Publication Date: 09/17/2024

The story of factory farmers, rescued farm animals, and rural communities standing up to big corporations and constructing their own new world that will change the way we eat

Price: $27.95
Treating Violence
Author: Rob Gore
Product Code: 9337
Binding Info: Hardback
Publisher: Beacon Press
Publication Date: 05/07/2024

The inspiring story of a Black doctor deeply affected by the violence in his childhood that plagued his Brooklyn community who was determined to be a force for change and dedicated himself to addressing trauma and violence as public health issues

Price: $27.95
Twenty-First-Century Jim Crow Schools
Authors: Raynard Sanders, David Stovall, Terrenda C White   Foreword by: Karen Lewis
Product Code: 6701
Binding Info: Paperback / softback
Publisher: Beacon Press
Publication Date: 04/03/2018

How charter schools have taken hold in three cities—and why parents, teachers, and community members are fighting back

Price: $17.00
Two Billion Caliphs
Author: Haroon Moghul
Product Code: 9374
Binding Info: Paperback / softback
Publisher: Beacon Press
Publication Date: 05/16/2023

Explains the attraction of Muslims to their faith, and discusses the challenges contemporary Islam confronts, and how we might imagine an Islamic theology and identity ready to face tomorrow.

2024 General Assembly Featured Speaker

Price: $16.95
Author: Charlene Carruthers
Product Code: 6915
Binding Info: Paperback / softback
Publisher: Beacon Press
Publication Date: 08/27/2019
This 21st-century activist’s guide to upending mainstream ideas about race, class, and gender carves out a path to collective liberation
Price: $14.95
Unbroken Chains
Author: Melissa Hope Ditmore
Product Code: 9336
Binding Info: Paperback / softback
Publisher: Beacon Press
Publication Date: 04/30/2024

An urgent exposition of the pervasive human trafficking that lies just beneath the surface of the US economy—from the stories of its survivors

Price: $18.95
Understanding the Bible
Author: John A. Buehrens
Product Code: 6170
Binding Info: Paperback
Publisher: Beacon
Publication Date: 06/15/2004

Designed to help empower skeptics, seekers, nonbelievers, and those of a liberal and progressive outlook to reclaim the Bible from literalists.

Price: $18.00
Author: Aviva Chomsky
Product Code: 2926
Binding Info: Paperback
Publisher: Beacon Press
Publication Date: 05/13/2014

Explores what it means to be undocumented in a legal, social, economic and historical context.

Price: $16.00
Undoing the Knots
Author: Maureen O'Connell
Product Code: 3195
Binding Info: Paperback / softback
Publisher: Beacon Press
Publication Date: 11/15/2022

A personal and historical examination of white Catholic anti-Blackness in the US told through 5 generations of one family, and a call for meaningful racial healing and justice within Catholicism

Price: $19.95
Until I Am Free
Editor: Keisha N. Blain
Product Code: 3159
Binding Info: Paperback / softback
Publisher: Beacon Press
Publication Date: 10/04/2022

Explores the Black activist’s ideas and political strategies, highlighting their relevance for tackling modern social issues including voter suppression, police violence, and economic inequality.

Price: $16.95