Beacon Press

Beacon Press books seek to change the way readers think about fundamental issues, promoting such values as freedom of speech and thought, the importance of economic and social justice issues, religious pluralism, respect for our environment, and the importance of the arts in a civil society.Beacon has published several national bestsellers, and its books are frequently reviewed and discussed in national print and broadcast media.They are also used in university and secondary school curricula, citywide reading programs, and reading groups, and within a variety of organizational and faith - based reading programs.

Items 13 - 24 of 354

A Gift of Love
Author: Martin Luther King Jr.
Product Code: 5249
Binding Info: Paperback
Publisher: Beacon Press
Publication Date: 11/06/2012

Price: $18.95
A History of Religion in 5 1/2 Objects

Product Code: 6418
Binding Info: Paperback
Publisher: Beacon Press
Publication Date: 03/10/2015

A leading scholar explores the importance of physical objects and sensory experience in the practice of religion.

Price: $20.00
A Life Beyond Reason
Author: Chris Gabbard
Product Code: 6696
Binding Info: Paperback / softback
Publisher: Beacon Press
Publication Date: 05/26/2020
An unflinching and luminous memoir that explores a father’s philosophical transformation when he must reconsider the questions what makes us human? and whose life is worth living?
Price: $16.00
A Master Class on Being Human
Authors: Anthony Pinn, Brad Braxton
Product Code: 9346
Binding Info: Paperback / softback
Publisher: Beacon Press
Publication Date: 06/11/2024

A conversation between 2 eminent Black thinkers on how to work together to make the world a better place despite deep religious differences

Price: $20.95
A More Beautiful and Terrible History
Authors: Jeanne Theoharis, Jeanne Theoharis
Product Code: 6873
Binding Info: Paperback / softback
Publisher: Beacon Press
Publication Date: 02/19/2019
Explodes the fables that have been created about the civil rights movement
Price: $18.00
A Protest History of the United States
Author: Gloria J. Browne-Marshall
Product Code: 9715
Binding Info: Hardback
Publisher: Beacon Press
Publication Date: 04/22/2025

Exploring 400 years of protest and resistance in US history—and what the unsung heroes of social movements past can teach us about navigating our chaotic world

Available for pre-order

Price: $31.95
A Queer History of the United States
Author: Michael Bronski
Product Code: 4412
Binding Info: Paperback
Publisher: Beacon Press
Publication Date: 05/22/2012
Drawing upon primary-source documents, literature, and cultural histories, scholar and activist Michael Bronski charts the breadth of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender history, from 1492 to the 1990s.
Price: $20.00
A Queer History of the United States for Young People
Author: Michael Bronski   Adapted by: Richie Chevat
Product Code: 6886
Binding Info: Paperback / softback
Publisher: Beacon Press
Publication Date: 06/11/2019
Queer history didn’t start with Stonewall. This book explores how LGBTQ people have always been a part of our national identity, contributing to the country and culture for over 400 years
Price: $18.95
A Space for Us
Author: Michelle Cassandra Johnson
Product Code: 9300
Binding Info: Paperback / softback
Publisher: Beacon Press
Publication Date: 08/08/2023

The first comprehensive guide for leading BIPOC affinity groups for challenging white supremacy, healing racial trauma, and taking collective action

Price: $22.95
A Stranger In The Village of the Sick

Product Code: 4967
Binding Info: Paperback
Publisher: Beacon Press
Publication Date: 04/15/2005

Price: $20.00
A Time to Break Silence
Author: Martin Luther King Jr.
Product Code: 2911
Binding Info: Paperback
Publisher: Beacon Press
Publication Date: 11/05/2013
The first collection of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s essential writings for high school students and young people—with eighteen selections including "I Have a Dream," "Letter from Birmingham Jail," and "What Is Your Life's Blueprint?"
Price: $15.00
A Treasury of African American Christmas Stories
Author: Bettye Collier-Thomas
Product Code: 6773
Binding Info: Hardback
Publisher: Beacon Press
Publication Date: 10/09/2018

A collection of Christmas stories written by African-American journalists, activists, and writers from the late 19th century to the modern civil rights movement.

Price: $19.95
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